Vastu - South

by Madhu Sarkar

Photo of the Hindu God Vastu


Vastu - South


Photo of the sacred statue of Vastu


Yama, the Vedic God of dharma & death rules the south direction. In Indian mythology, Yama aided by Kaal & Chitragupta, decides the fate at the time of death, according to one’s karmas.


Photo of sun in the sky


Sun, in its daily movement, rises in the east and traveling through the south sets in the west. This intense heat of the sun is felt mostly in the south direction. The intense heat of the south burns the human body like hell because the Torrid Zone receives maximum heat. 


Photo of a sacred belief in Hinduism


Thus, it is told that in any house where Pingla Nadi or the harsh sun streams are dominant there are death, destruction, demolition, discontinuity & defamation.


Photo of a growing plant from a bark of tree


However, for seeding, regeneration, and nourishment you need the south direction. As the south is a part of the southwest where we get the earth element and without the earth element, we do not exist.


Photo of blood mixed with water


The color of the South direction in Vaastu Shastra is red, blood red. Mars and Sun both become directionally strong in the tenth house of horoscope, which corresponds with the south direction of Kaal Purusha. Lord Sun is of red color. The excessive cosmic heat of the Lord's sun and bodily heat of planet Mars places the south in a hell-like situation.


Photo of a sleeping woman


The direction of Yama is best recommended for sleeping. Yama being the Lord of death & Sleeping is a short time death. It suits the nature of the Yama. All the positive activities of the world are possible only when the human body and cosmos have the right temperature. You will not be in a position to accomplish your daily duties with full vigor if you don’t give your body its due rest. Sleep is a short time of death when our conscious mind is dormant. This is a short time liberation. This short time of daily death is necessary for the appeasement of Yama which fills us with new vigor and vitality.


Photo of a brick wall


Thus, heavy construction towards the south restricts the hot rays of the sun. The wall of the south side should be made thicker and heavier with lesser openings in the form of doors, windows, and ventilators.


Photo of two workers setting up a sofa during pandemic


South should be loaded with heavy furniture, walls even with staircase.


Photo of an open window


There should be fewer openings in the southern direction.The South direction is divided into 9 padas from east to west. Amongst them, there are two padas which are beneficial for having the main door entrance. The other entrances are inauspicious.


Photo of a field land


The slope of land should be inclined from the south to the north.


Photo of a water tank


Ensure not to have any depression in the south in the form of a reservoir or water tanks.


Photo of a parking lot


Avoid placing a parking lot in the south direction.


Photo of a modern stone wall


To make your southern side heavy, you can place some stone structures on the southern wall.


Photo of a septic tank


Place the septic tank in the south or southwest direction.




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Madhu Sarkar

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