Calculate Home Equity

by Madhu Sarkar

A photo of a house made up of money


What is Home Equity?

Home equity is the current market value of your home, minus any liens attached to it such as existing mortgage.


How does it work?

The amount of equity in a house fluctuates over time in two ways , one is while the debtor makes payments towards the mortgage balances or as the property value appreciates/ depreciates depending on the market. Home equity is basically your real property value at that present moment. When you make a down payment on a house of 20% or more, you automatically add to your equity in the home since that amount is no more due.


A photo of a couple holding a key and a piggybank


How to build home equity

Most home equity is built in two ways:

  • Home price appreciation — As your home’s market value rises, so does your equity
  • Monthly mortgage payments — These slowly reduce your mortgage balance, which is the other factor in your home equity calculation

Of course, you can help that process along. Perhaps most importantly, you can maintain your home well so that it’s competitive with others in your marketplace.


A photo of an individual computing a certain value


Calculate your Home Equity


Step 1: Find the current market value of your home

The value of properties depends on the sector to which the asset belongs, the location, the area it covers, amenities offered, and the value of a recent sale in that location. Thus, the first thing you lay your hands on are the ‘comps’. Comparables or comps are the terms used for similar homes that have recently been sold in the same area to help find the best listing price when selling properties.

However, no two homes are completely the same. The possible variations are endless. And, of course, condition and amenities will be crucial. This is where the part of appraisal comes in. A professional appraiser recognizes the differences between similar homes and assign them a proper value.

Still if you want to have a rough estimate, the quickest and easiest way to get a good idea of your home’s value is to check a reputable online source. Along side Zillow and Redfin there are dozens of sites offering free “automated valuation models” (AVMs) exist on the web. Once, you have your comparables do your best to assess the value of the differences between them and your home.

However, chances are, your chosen lender will appoint a professional appraiser to deliver the definitive value.

You can skip all that valuation work if you get a professional to appraise your home. Hiring a pro will provide the most accurate appraisal possible. Whichever route to an appraisal you choose, you should end up with a figure that you hope is close to the final appraiser’s valuation of your home for you to have a practical outlook.


Step 2: Know your current loan balance

Next step is to find your current mortgage balance. You can check the same online in your loan service portal.

You need to check the balance amount. The balance may differ from the payoff amount, which includes any outstanding fees and prepayment penalties you have incurred, in case you were to foreclose the mortgage. So, look for the balance.


Step 3: Calculate your home equity

Now, you need to simply deduct your mortgage balance from your home’s value, and That’s your Equity.


A photo of wooden blocks being balance on each side


Ways to tap your home equity

You can leverage your home equity in the form of collateral to tap into cash in the form of a home equity loan or a home equity line of credit. 


A photo of an individual filing for a HELOC


Using a HELOC

A home equity line of credit (HELOC) is a line of credit that uses the equity you have in your home as collateral. A HELOC, is a line of credit secured by your home that gives you a revolving credit line and often has a lower interest rate than some other common types of loans


A photo of an individual holding a wooden block


Using a home equity loan

A home equity loan—also known as an equity loan, home equity installment loan, or second mortgage—is a type of consumer debt. Home equity loans allow homeowners to borrow against the equity in their homes.  Home equity loans tend to be fixed-rate.




"Thanks for reading this article and for a hassle-free experience of purchase/sale of home feel free to get in touch".



Madhu Sarkar

Agent | License ID: 01702931

+1(650) 504-7768
