Working with Madhu was a Fabulous Experience, her working style is very upfront and extremely professional. With in our first couple of interactions she new exactly what we wanted and from there she made the whole experience very smooth and engaging.
For first time home buyers like us, I would say we were very lucky to have Madhu to help us out at every step of the process. Right from day one till the day we signed our arguments at the Escrow office for every single appointment Madhu was always at the location 10 minutes before time and by the time we were close by she used to even send us the parking directions. That is how punctual show was all through out the process.
Initially, after looking at houses for 3 months almost every second week, we stopped and took a pause for a year Madhu was very supportive of the decision and not once did we feel like she was trying to sell us something. She never influenced us to move forward unless we like the house 100%.
Even after having close to 2 decades of experience in the Bay Area Real Estate Market and having a Huge Client base, Madhu made us feel like we were her only clients and her topmost priority. I was able text her any time and let her know the house we want to see the next day during the beginning days and I was able to call her on a Sunday Morning and talk to her for a couple of hours to address all our concerns before we pay our deposit.
I would conclude by saying that having Madhu as your realter is like having your well-wisher, close family member or even a childhood buddy help you find your dream home. That is the level of comfort we had and the level of confidence we had in ever advise we received from Madhu.